Wenn ich ab und zu Lust hab schreib ich einfach ein paar Geschichten.
Das Problem: Sie sind Hauptsächlich Englisch. Keine Ahnung wieso...aber ich kann mich in Englisch besser ausdrücken^^ Ich hoffe sie gefallen euch^^ Ich werd villeicht jede Woche eine neue schreiben. Villeicht sogar auf Deutsch! Muhuu!!
Name: Kara Yuki
Age: 16
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Green
Personality: She is like her older brother Jaden. helpful, kida crazy sometimes....
Likes: Dueling, her brother friends
islikes: Chazz and Crowler (who doesn't dislike him?)
Deck: Elementar Heros
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Card: Flamewing man
Best Friends: Jaden, Jesse, Sry, Hassleberry usw.
Other: She always wears blue jeans and a Slifer Red jacket. (just like Jaden..but u know..girly like^^) She's almost always chewing gum.
"Jesse! That's my last piece! And there won't be any in stock until next week! C'mon!" Said boy was running away with my last piece of gum. "Sorry Kara! You'll have to catch me if you want it!" I ran after him, but he was way ahead of me. I stopped to catch my breath and he followed suit. I started running again and put a burst of speed. He was facing me but didn't see me coming until I was only a few feet away. "Argh!" I tackled him. "Hey Kara?"
"What gum-thief?"
"Your hat fell off." I turned to look. 'Ah! No one sees me without my hat off!' Unfortunately for me, while I was having an inner panic attack, he took the oppurtunity to eat my gum. "Jesse, you ate my gum!" He grinned. "Yep. Hey Kara? You look mighty pretty with your hat off." I blushed. "Jess..." I had just now realized the position we were in. When I tackled him, I had landed on top of him, straddling his waist. "Kara." He tucked a stray strand of my hair behind my ear. "Would your brother approve of me?"
"Sure he would...I´ts Jaden"
"I can live with that." He gently pressed his lips to mine. You blushed.
I got off him and pulled him up. I kissed his cheek, grabbed my hat and ran off. I went by the main building and blew a bubble. "Hey Kara, I thought Jesse stole your last piece and ate it?" I smiled. "Yeah, well I stole it back."
